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Phone help - Photos & OneDrive

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smarten, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. smarten

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    Hey Lads, Can someone help with what I'm trying to do? You'll see I'm not great with all of this stuff.

    I just upgraded my Samsung S21 FE to Samsung S24 plus. I have one drive on my S21. I have approx 2000 photos on my S21.

    As part of my upgrade, I can trade in my old S21 and get up to €197 back.

    The problem I have is if I delete any photos from my phone, they are automatically deleted from onedrive. So I imagine,if I send back my phone, it will be formatted and I will lose all my photos on onedrive.

    Is there anything I can do on Onedrive to stop them being deleted? I'd be divorced .

    Like I said, pretty crap with all this stuff. Anyone any advice or links to show what I need to do?

  2. vodkacolly

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    Jul 4, 2007
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    I don't use Onedrive but it sounds like it is synced to your phone.
    You would need to disable sync.

    First, take a photo of the floor or wall or whatever. Something that you can delete later.

    "To stop synching photos to OneDrive for Samsung Gallery, first open Samsung Gallery. In the bottom right of the app, go to the menu (three horizontal lines). Then go to settings. The first option lets you disable synching to OneDrive."

    After disabling sync, test it by deleting that photo you took and checking if it deleted from Onedrive or not.

    Also, after saving or backing up whatever you have on your phone, you should format your phone before getting rid of it.
    Don't send it or sell it to anyone if it has any personal content on it.
    smarten likes this.
  3. smarten

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    Thanks a mill, that was it. I forgot it was sync with one drive. I was able to sort out the photos and got rid of everything off the old phone.

    Thanks again

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